I get it...life circumstances and disappointments can sometimes make us feel like we're no longer a viable candidate for joy, happiness, the job, promotion, status, success, platform, relationship...but Sis...Bro...don't count yourself out!
I promise you...I've been there. When I found myself homeless at one point, hiding the holes in my clothes and in a financial disaster...I counted myself out. Surely, there was no way that I could pick up the pieces from here. Surely only failure and continued loss

could come out of this situation. But during that unique time, I had no idea that God was building not only my character, but my also my FAITH.
When I look back on those moments...I can actually smile (I couldn't smile back then) and see how, when I wanted to count myself out, God was working behind the scenes to count me IN.
Let today serve as a reminder that you've come a long way baby! Every ounce of your life experience, whether good or bad, has qualified you to go after exactly what you want and to receive HIS best.
Don't count yourself out.