There is a thought that when you are “CALLED” that you must CONSISTENTLY go through trauma, CONSISTENTLY have trials, CONSISTENTLY have delays, disappointments, more enemies than friends, always in lack, watching everyone else prosper while you're barely makin' it...
There's no denying that we've had ordained seasons or experiences that were strategically planned to give us a better understanding, learn a lesson, to have a greater heart for the people or to hear God more clearly.
But I submit to you what God said to share today: NO MORE DELAY. From this point forward, and starting within the next #3days, you shall PROSPER. Answers to your requests with man shall be YES. You shall drive what you want and live where you want to live. You are now about to see the flowers versus the weeds.
Your finances will no longer be held up by the acts of one person, company or resource. You will have plenty! He is giving SEED TO THE SOWER! You have sown in resources...etc. season! Every place that the sole of your feet shall tread upon...from this point forward.
And whoever is supposed to go pick up the candy-apple red Escalade, GO GET IT!